Thursday, May 21, 2009

hello sweet summer

My fello Marylander Leland blogged about her summer plans, so I thought I'd do somewhat of the same since I have reached some what of a writer's block in blog topics.
  • Start audiocandy+. I've already got the blog registered (, so it's only a matter of figuring out NiceCast. Anyone know how to set it up? I think I'm going to buy the full version soon.
  • Grizzly Bear in Philly! I've never been to Philly or seen Grizzly Bear, both things I've always wanted to do. Plus, Tuan is going/hosting! It should be a fun little short road trip. I was pure chance that I was scheduled off on the needed days!
    ps babies dancing to "two weeks" is the cutest thing ever.
    that's how you know it's truly good music.
  • Bonnaroooooo! Second time going, first as a volunteer. Heading down with Kitcat, Michael B. & tuaniffer! Ready for Tennessee sunshine, live music & meeting cool people.
  • Visiting Chelsea in New York City. I'm trying for at least once a month. I'd love to do it more, while she's there for the summer. Bolt bus is so easy/fast/cheap. Plus I'd love to go dancing with Mariel, see Julio & everyone else in the Tri-State area.
  • Wildwood Beach ultimate tournment. I'm hoping Katie and Chip can be on our team. It's a co-ed 4vs4 ultimate frisbee tournmanet in late July, where you can either play 3 men & 1 girl or 2 men & 2 girls. I think we'll go with the former, just because I think me and Katie will be the only girls on our team. But let me know if anyone is interested! I think some doomers and Maryland friends are going to be on the team!
So those are some plans. I'll be sure to blog about each of them as they come up. I'd love take more road trips, see cool things, so comment any suggestions!


Anonymous said...

let me know when you go visit chels. so i can invite myself along.... ;)

Alyson Hagert said...

YO bonaroo has a great lineup this year!!

Paul said...

give me a bit fat heads up when you'll be venturing back to nyc. i'd like to snuggle and possibly dance. :-) and then do brunch.